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Release: 1.5 | August 7, 2024


The purpose of this document is to facilitate and define Warner Bros. Discovery’s requirements for receiving Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) Promotional Content. This specification establishes the compositional and technical requirements for all aspects of delivery to which content providers must comply. Compliance with these requirements ensures successful deliveries into the Warner Bros. Discovery Media Supply Chain (MSC).

This specification is not intended to provide guidance on delivering High Dynamic Range content to Warner Bros. Discovery. For additional Contribution Specifications covering these deliveries please reach out to your Warner Bros. Discovery Contact.

Promos can be delivered via the content portal.

Quality Requirements

It is Warner Bros. Discovery’s intent to acquire the highest quality masters that preserve the original artistic intent while providing a premium viewing experience to the consumer. To meet Warner Bros. Discovery's perceptual and measured quality standards content MUST conform to the specifications outlined in this document.

Please speak with your Warner Bros. Discovery contact if your highest quality digital master does not meet the quality standards defined in this specification or if you have questions related to this specification.

Photosensitive Epilepsy Testing

Photosensitive Epilepsy (PSE) impacts a viewer population who may be prone to seizures caused by flashing images on a screen. Warner Bros. Discovery requires that all content follows the guidance for the reduction of photosensitive epilepsy as defined in ITU-R BT.1702-2.

Warner Bros. Discovery strongly recommends that providers use a “Harding Flash & Pattern Analyzer” on all content prior to delivery to ensure it meets these recommendations. Content found to be outside these test parameters will be rejected and will require redelivery.

The Digital Production Partnership has provided a list of approved tools to assist in PSE testing.

Expected Deliverables

A complete and valid delivery SHALL include:

  1. Master Media File
  2. Descriptive Metadata - prior to delivery, must be created in a designated promo system.
  3. Closed Captions/Subtitles (optional)
  4. Submaster Media File (optional)

Master Technical Specifications

Content must be delivered in the Native Frame Rate and Original Aspect Ratio.

  1. The frame rate MUST be both continuous and constant throughout the duration of the program.
  2. Promo MUST be delivered as a continuous, seamless program.
  3. Metadata in the file header MUST accurately indicate:
  • Scan Type
  • Scan Order
  • Frame Aspect Ratio

Submaster Technical Specifications

Submasters follow the same specs as airmasters, but with embedded split audio tracks.

  1. 12 channels stereo- Split Audio Tracks (separate dialogue, narration, and effects)
  2. Submasters cannot contain text, graphics, logos, title cards, and should limit use of complex animation end boards that are hard to reversion in other languages.
  3. A submaster is required per length of creative, as assigned on the cutsheet. (e.g. when delivering a campaign with a :60, :30, :15, :10 launch promos, four individual submaster files are required)
  4. Audio tag-outs (ie. "tonight", "next", etc) can be added after the content as a stringout on track 12 with black video. Maintain an additional second of black/silence as pad at the end of the file.

Master File Format

ProRes 422

Video Specifications
Field / DescriptionAccepted Values
CodecProRes 422 HQ (Preferred) / ProRes 422 SQ (Non-preferred)
ContainerQuickTime MOV
TimecodeDrop Frame for 29.97
Non-Drop Frame for 23.98
Note: Files must contain a timecode track.
Frame RateOriginal/Native - 23.976 (24,000/1,001), 29.97 (30,000/1,001)
Scan TypeNative (Progressive or Interlaced)
Aspect RatioOriginal/Native
ResolutionHD (1920 x 1080)
Max Bit RateHQ ~ 176 to 220Mbps
SQ ~ 147 Mbps
Rate ControlVariable Bit Rate (VBR)
Chroma Bit Depth10-bit
Color Coding/SpaceY'CbCr 4:2:2/Legal Range
Color Primaries*ITU-R BT.709
Transfer Characteristics*ITU-R BT.709
Matrix Coefficients*ITU-R BT.709
Color primaries, transfer characteristics, and matrix coefficients must be specified in both the container and the video essence.
Audio Specifications
Field / DescriptionAccepted Values
CodecLinear PCM
EndiannessLittle Endian
Sample Bit Depth24-bit
Sample Rate48kHz


Video Specifications
Field / DescriptionAccepted Values
CodecAvid DNxHD
ContainerMXF OP-1a
TimecodeDrop Frame for 29.97
Non-Drop Frame for 23.98
Note: Files must contain a timecode track.
Frame RateOriginal/Native - 23.976 (24,000/1,001), 29.97 (30,000/1,001)
Scan TypeNative (Progressive or Interlaced)
Aspect RatioOriginal/Native
ResolutionHD (1920 x 1080)
Max Bit RateHQ Level
1080i | 29.97 | HD ~220 Mbps
1080p | 23.976 | HD ~115Mbps

SQ Level
1080i | 29.97 | HD ~145Mbps
1080p | 23.976 | HD ~115Mbps
Rate ControlConstant Bit Rate (CBR)
Chroma Bit Depth8-bit and 10-bit
Color Coding/SpaceY'CbCr 4:2:2/Legal Range
Color Primaries*ITU-R BT.709
Transfer Characteristics*ITU-R BT.709
Matrix Coefficients*ITU-R BT.709
Color primaries, transfer characteristics, and matrix coefficients must be specified in both the container and the video essence.
Audio Specifications
Field / DescriptionAccepted Values
CodecLinear PCM
EndiannessLittle Endian
FormatBWF(preferred) or AES
Sample Bit Depth24-bit
Sample Rate48kHz

Master Composition

When using the Promo Portal one of the below options must be followed:

Option 1:

Promos SHOULD be trimmed to content without padding.

Promo @ 01:00:00[;:]00

Option 2:

1" Black / SilencePromo @ 01:00:00[;:]001" Black / Silence

Option 3:

Slates are optional, but must follow the below guidelines if used.

5" Slate / Silence5" Black / SilencePromo @ 01:00:00[;:]002" Black / Silence

Submaster Composition

2" Slate / SilencePromo @ 01:00:00[;:]00

    All promos and slates must be properly noted in the MMC.


If slate is present, the slate should follow this layout:

Promo Duration(seconds):
Air Date:
Record Date:

Audio Technical Specifications

  1. Each Soundfield group should be arranged into a single track (e.g. 5.1 would be 1 track with 6 channels). Optionally, discrete track audio (i.e. 1 channel per track) is also accepted (e.g. 5.1 would be 6 tracks with 1 channel each).
  2. Stereo labels must match the method used to create the Soundfield: LtRt for matrixed downmix, LR for stereo mix.
  3. All audio channels must be labeled in the file metadata, where appropriate for each file format.
  4. All audio tracks must conform (be synchronous) with video and have the same duration.
  5. Where both exist, a near field mix is preferred over a theatrical mix.
  6. Content with 5.1 surround must be provided with a separate, corresponding 2.0 track.

Audio Loudness

Content must conform to ITU-1770-3.

Target audio loudness must conform with:

  1. Target loudness for 2 Channel Program Audio (e.g. LtRt) must be ∑ -24 LKFS +/- 2 dB.
  2. Target loudness for 5.1 Channel Program Audio must be ∑ -24 LKFS +/- 2 dB (minus LFE).
  3. True Peak DOES not exceed -2 dBTP

Audio Track Layout (Master)

Original Production LanguageStandard StereoTrack 1Channel 1
Channel 2

Audio Track Layout (Submaster)

Original Production LanguageStandard StereoTrack 1Channel 1Left
Original Production LanguageStandard StereoTrack 2Channel 1Right
Mix Minus Narration (Undipped)Standard StereoTrack 3Channel 1Left
Mix Minus Narration (Undipped)Standard StereoTrack 4Channel 1Right
Music (Undipped)Standard StereoTrack 5Channel 1Left
Music (Undipped)Standard StereoTrack 6Channel 1Right
Effects (Undipped)Standard StereoTrack 7Channel 1Left
Effects (Undipped)Standard StereoTrack 8Channel 1Right
Music & Effects (Undipped)Standard StereoTrack 9Channel 1Left
Music & Effects (Undipped)Standard StereoTrack 10Channel 1Right
SOT / Dialog (Undipped)MonoTrack 11Channel 1Mono One
NarrationMonoTrack 12Channel 1Mono One

Closed Captions / Subtitles

Technical Specifications

(Closed Captions, Subtitles)
The full duration of the promo, must be covered.Closed Captions / Subtitles
All events must have a minimum duration of one second. This may differ by language.Closed Captions / Subtitles
All events should be one or two lines of text with a maximum of three lines. ​As an exception, where speaker identification is required or when the text will not fit into two lines and the content does not allow enough time to split into two events.Closed Captions / Subtitles
All files must be synchronized within two (2) frames to the primary audio/video.Closed Captions / Subtitles
For Closed Captions or Subtitles for the Hearing Impaired, all foreign language, song lyrics, and non-dialogue sounds/effects must be included if they are critical to understanding the plot.Closed Captions / Subtitles
Default placement should be lower third, only raise subtitles to upper third to avoid on screen text or critical action.Closed Captions / Subtitles
All SMPTE Timed Text files and Scenarist Closed Caption files must line up with the start timecode of the promo.Closed Captions / Subtitles
All SMPTE Timed Text files must use “media” timeBase and have a framerate matching source video using a multiplier of “1000 1001” for non-integer frame rates.Closed Captions / Subtitles
Closed Captions must NOT be embedded. If an asset is delivered with embedded captions it will be rejected.Closed Captions
Closed Captions must be “pop-on” style, with exception of the first captions, which can be either "pop-on" after 1 second or “paint-on” after 4 frames.Closed Captions
Captions delivered as SMPTE TT must be targeted for CC1, which is denoted by setting the captionService attribute of the SMPTE element to “F1C1CC” in the metadata section.Closed Captions
Closed Captions should be C608 compliant and delivered as either Scenarist Closed Captions(.scc) files or SMPTE Timed Text (.xml) files in accordance with [SMPTE 2052-1 recommendations](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7289645).Closed Captions
Closed Captions must not exceed 32 characters per line including spaces and punctuation.Closed Captions
Subtitles must not exceed 42 characters per line with a preferred length of 34, including spaces and punctuation.Subtitles
Subtitles must be delivered as SMPTE Timed Text (.xml) files in accordance with SMPTE 2052-1.Subtitles

Naming Convention


If the promo is being uploaded to Portal, it must follow the CID, Gabriel/House ID, or ISCI naming convention.



The CID must not exceed 10 characters in length. The file name is optional. If a file name is present, it will be followed by an underscore before the CID. If the optional file name is not present, then an underscore will not be placed before the CID.




  1. Filename must not include spaces or special characters, e.g. ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) ` ; < > ? , [ ] { } ’ ” |. With the exception of – (dash) and _ (underscore).
  2. Underscores must be used to separate categories within filename.
  3. All filenames must contain a file type extension and must be lowercase. Uppercase extension will result in an invalid content delivery.
  4. Filename category should use CamelCase: multiple words joined together with the first letter of each word capitalized, e.g. Search Party -> SearchParty.

Gabriel/House ID



The length of the Gabriel/House ID can be 32 characters. Gabriel/House IDs must contain decimals.


Master: 55555551.443.mxf

Submaster: 7555551.345_SUB.mxf




The length of the ISCI is 10-32 characters and is not case sensitive. The ISCI can be both numbers and letters.


Master: 7SDFGSDFGDFG851.mxf

Submaster: 7SDFGSDFGDFG851_SUB.mxf

Content Delivery Method

All providers MUST be onboarded prior to delivering any content to Warner Bros. Discovery. To begin the onboarding process, please reach out to your Warner Bros. Discovery contact for instructions.

Release History

1.5 August 7, 2024

  1. Changed "English Production Language" to "Original Production Language".

1.4 August 11, 2023

  1. Added start time to compositions
  2. Added submaster composition with 2 sec slate
  3. Added note that files must contain a timecode track

1.3 June 26, 2023

  1. Removed ACD delivery option
  2. Made Closed Captions/Subtitles optional
  3. Added optional Submaster Media File specs
  4. Changed timecode to drop frame 29.97 and non-drop 23.98
  5. Removed pro res 8-bit chroma bit depth
  6. Removed audio spec format field for Pro Res
  7. Changed DNxHD rate control from VBR to CBR
  8. Added Audio Track Layout (Submaster) table
  9. Removed expected deliverables table for subtitles and closed captions
  10. Added note that embedded closed captions will be rejected
  11. Remove Color Matrix/Primaries and added Color Primaries, Transfer Characteristics, Matrix Coefficients
  12. Added note that color primaries, transfer characteristics, and matrix coefficients must be specified in container and video essence
  13. Gabriel/House ID and ISCI have been added to naming conventions.

1.2 February 17, 2023

  1. Removed 25 Frame Rate
  2. Removed all Audio Track Layout except English Prod Language
  3. Remove EBU loudness standards
  4. Fixed hyphen in Naming Convention
  5. Added Audio Spec Format field
  6. Added 8-bit Chroma Bit Depth

1.1 January 18, 2023

  1. Removed UHD support
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